T-Splines v2 for Rhino has many significant improvements, focused on three areas:
1. Creating smooth, organic models,
2. Editing them quickly, and
3. Exporting them for manufacturing without remodeling.
1. Create smooth organic models
T-Splines models are truly watertight, and even complex models can be created as a single surface. Mechanical detailing can be done with Rhino. Read more.
2. Edit quickly
Editing is done with a manipulator that can push and pull, rotate, and scale parts of the T-splines surface. Whether T-splines points are moved an inch or a mile, the surface will maintain outstanding continuity and not tear apart.
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Many T-splines commands, such as extruding edges, deleting faces, subdividing faces, and extruding faces are popular techniques used in the animation industry for their speed. T-Splines brings these commands into industrial design for the first time, with one critical improvement. With T-Splines, you can add detail to a model, and the surface doesn’t change or warp until you move the control points. Read more.
3. Export for manufacturing without remodeling
T-splines designs can be exported for manufacturing without needing to be remodeled. This is because all T-splines can be converted exactly to smooth, water-tight manufacturable NURBS. This is a push-button operation.
Rhino T Splines Download
T-splines can be manufactured by any machine that reads in Rhino .3dm files. T-Splines can also be exported to solid modelers like SolidWorks.
T Splines Rhino
Download Link:
rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/282790018/TS2.rar
T Spline Plugin For Rhino
T-Splines v2 for Rhino has many significant improvements, focused on three areas:
1. Creating smooth, organic models,
2. Editing them quickly, and
3. Exporting them for manufacturing without remodeling.
1. Create smooth organic models
T-Splines models are truly watertight, and even complex models can be created as a single surface. Mechanical detailing can be done with Rhino. Read more.
2. Edit quickly
Editing is done with a manipulator that can push and pull, rotate, and scale parts of the T-splines surface. Whether T-splines points are moved an inch or a mile, the surface will maintain outstanding continuity and not tear apart.
Many T-splines commands, such as extruding edges, deleting faces, subdividing faces, and extruding faces are popular techniques used in the animation industry for their speed. T-Splines brings these commands into industrial design for the first time, with one critical improvement. With T-Splines, you can add detail to a model, and the surface doesn’t change or warp until you move the control points. Read more.
3. Export for manufacturing without remodeling
T-splines designs can be exported for manufacturing without needing to be remodeled. This is because all T-splines can be converted exactly to smooth, water-tight manufacturable NURBS. This is a push-button operation.
T-splines can be manufactured by any machine that reads in Rhino .3dm files. T-Splines can also be exported to solid modelers like SolidWorks.
T Splines 2.0 For Rhino Cracked
T Splines 2.0 For Rhino Cracking
Download Link:
rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/282790018/TS2.rar