Right Align Decimals In Word For Mac

Right Align Decimals In Word For Mac

Here’s how you can align tables and images in Microsoft Word. Insert a table in your document. Right-click inside any cell. It doesn’t matter if the cell has data in it or not. From the context menu, select the Table Properties option. The Table Properties window has several tabs that deal with the alignment and other aspects.

SOP NonInventory Unit Cost 6 Decimal Places
Is there any simple way to increase the currency decimal places to greater than the current highest value of 5?Thanx Scott,I don't believe there is any easy or even moderately difficult way to do this, as the field types used to store amounts in GP only go up to 5 decimal places.-- Victoria YudinDynamics GP MVPFlexible Solutions - home of GP Reportshttp://www.flex-solutions.com/gpreports.htmlblog: http://www.victoriayudin.com'Scott Rutledge' <sersoar@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:E102B81B-8555-400E-843C-240C58794294@microsoft.com...> Is there any...
Reduce currency decimals
Hi,Is there any tool which will reduce the currency decimals on our Great Plains system. We want to reduce our system currency decimals.Thank you.KT I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but there'sTools >> Utilities >> Inventory >> Change Decimal PlacesThis utility can change the decimal places for items.I don't know of any system-wide change for decimal places.Eleni'KT' wrote:> Hi,> > Is there any tool which will reduce the currency decimals on our Great > Plains system. We want to reduce our system currency decimals....
decimal problem
Hi all I a very strange effect when using different decimal settings and calculating some values: DECLARE @Decimal1 decimal(5, 2) DECLARE @Decimal2 decimal(30, 2) SET @Decimal1 = 0.2 SET @Decimal2 = 0.2 SELECT (CONVERT(decimal(15, 15), 0.000000000322900) * (1 - @Decimal1)) SELECT (CONVERT(decimal(15, 15), 0.000000000322900) * (1 - @Decimal2)) The first result is correct (0.00000000025832000), the second is wrong, why ??? Thanks for any comments Best regards Frank Uray Hi Frank This is what happens when you multiple these precision&scales Precision 15 + 3...
In a laboratory test we do the temperature has to be reported to thenearest 0.5�C.Can anyone let me know how to format it so that when the result is a wholenumber, it leaves the decimal point out?eg 22�C or 22.5�C (not 22.�C or 22.0�C)Alan 'Alan Cocks' <alandrob@netspace.net.au> wrote in messagenews:btlqhd$19fi$1@otis.netspace.net.au...> In a laboratory test we do the temperature has to be reported to the> nearest 0.5�C.> Can anyone let me know how to format it so that when the result is a whole> number, it leaves the decimal point out?&g...
VBA code and decimals
I have some VBA code as this:rrows=lastrow/4if lastrow is 138 then rrows should be 34.5 but I always get 34(no decimal)How do I fix thatThanks I just did this and got 34.5Sub lastrowdecimal()lastrow = 138rrows = lastrow / 4MsgBox rrowsEnd Sub-- Don GuillettSalesAid Softwaredguillett1@austin.rr.com'pcor' <pcor@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:F21838BC-42AA-48A3-9B0C-D2139287A187@microsoft.com...>I have some VBA code as this:> rrows=lastrow/4>> if lastrow is 138 then rrows should be 34.5 but I always get 34(no > decimal)>...
Currency and the number of decimal places
I have an application which has neen running for a number of years, firstly on Access2000 then XP and now on Access 2003.It uses many currency fields for invoicing , credit notes etc. Each field which is of currency type has the decimal property set to 2.Up until recently the ATB balanced fine but lately it has been a few cents out. The reason is that some amounts have been put in with 3 decimal places and some calculations (eg GST of 10% of $398.68 returning to the GST field a value of $39.868) returning 3 decimal places.I guess with the calculations, I can code to make sure only ...
No decimals?
Hello!Is it possible to stop Money (2005) from using decimal places in thebase currency? I am using a currency that uses only integers and nocents (because cents are almost worthless), and invoices amountsusually get some cents due to sales tax calculations, Is it possible toget rid of them? I find this very annoying since cents accumulate overseveral transactions, and end up with an slightly unreal balance...Thanks!Keiv Hi,It was possible in older version (pobably until 2001).You had to change the Windows's regional settings in the control panel before a new file creatio...
Decimal number to percentage formula (newbie question)
I've got a column full of numbers like 0.5, 1.0, etc. I need them to looklike 0.500%. I figured out how to format the cells so that 0.5 looks like0.500, but when I change the cell format to percentage, it makes 0.500 into50.000%.So I figured out how to make a formula that divides 0.500 by 100(=R1C6/100), resulting in 0.005, which I can format to a percentage and get0.500%.Where I'm stumped is in applying that formula to the entire column. Insteadof =R1C6/100, I want my formula to say =all rowsC6/100. How do I tell it{allrows}?Thanks for putting up with a newbieKen Benson...
European vs American decimals
I have transferred a chart with statistics from an American Website to my Dutch version of Excel 2003.All the statistics are stated in the American format (with a period as the decimal sign): example = 8.6I am not able to make formulas because Excel doesn't seem to recognize the period (.) as a decimal sign. (all my equations get the answer 0)I would like to know how to change the period into a comma(the Dutch decimal sign), so that I can use the formula function.orI would like to know how to make Excel recognize the Amerian format to use the formula function.Thank you H...
Count digits before decimals and after decimals
Dear expert, Would like to count the digits before decimals and after decimals. For example, 111975.35 should be 6 digits before decimals and 2 digits after decimals 12456.25 should be 5 and 2 2478.24 should be 4 and 2 248.37 should be 3 and 2 Using LEN does not help. Can you help please? Hi, Why doesn't LEN help. try these =LEN(INT(A1)) and for the decimal portion =IF(ISERROR(FIND('.',A1)),0,LEN(A1)-FIND('.',A1)) -- Mike When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that introduces the fewest assumptions while...
Don't lose my decimals!
I have a int field and a decimal field (which however contains only numeric values) I need to divide this fields: SELECT field1/CONVERT(INT,field2) The operation is Ok, but I don't get decimal. I tried even SELECT CONVERT(FLOAT,field1/CONVERT(INT,field2)) but it's the same. How do I get decimals? And I want to get only two. Thanks. Luciano 'Luciano (DOC)' <lucianodoc@luciano.doc> ha scritto nel messaggio news:4b9a83b3$0$1110$4fafbaef@reader2.news.tin.it... >I have a int field and a decimal field I mean a varchar field. L. Data typ...
decimal separator?
Hi,I'm using web quiries to obtain data from web pages. Some of the sitesuse ',' as a desimal separator others use '.'. I'm from Finland so I'dlike to use ',' as decimal separator. Is there a way to format thoseU.S.-format('.') numbers to Finnish-format(',') without changing thesetting for the whole progmam/operating system??Thank you,Jimmy format the cells where you will paste as textpaste in the dataformat the cells a generaldo edit=>ReplaceReplace what .replace with ,--Regards,Tom OgilvyJimmy <jj_22_jj@yahoo...
Number Format
I have a system that records attribute data. An Engineer enters a specification range for the values and an integer value for the desired number of decimal places to display. I have the following formula in my report's record source Round([Act_Value], Nz([Dec_Place],0))This works to limit the number of decimals, but doesn't 'set' the display. For example [Act_value] = 0.5 [Dec_place] = 3 The above formula will diplay 0.5. I want it to display 05.00.Is there a way to do this? Any help will be appreciated. Use the format functionFormat(Round([Act_Value],...
align column of numbers
Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel I must make a manual table of contents with: 1) the Chapter names left-justified, 2) the sub-chapter names indented one tab-stop, 3) dotted lines btw. the Chapter (and sub-chapter) names, and 4) the page #s on the right, and I'd like to right-justify the page #s. From my reading it appears that maybe one would use Tables to do this, but I have not been able to make it happen. <br><br>Thank you, <br> Lindsay Holland <br> 858-243-2720 Hi Lindsay: No, you do it with tab settings a...
Qty Decimals
Hi Out There, Does anyone know if there is a way to set a part to 4 decimals, but to show 0 decimal places on the PO & SOP Screens and printouts?We would like to have the option of 4 decimals for Bills of Materials, but we don't want the orders and PO's to show 4.0000 because it forces the data entry to add a perios in order to make it a whole number. (We've been having issues with that)Thank you! You can do this with Modifier/VBA. If you don't find a better way andwant to pursue this route let me know and I will help....
format and decimals in control text
Hiformat and decimals in a text box do not seem to work as expected.I can set format to general number or leave it blank and decimals to 0 or 1, makes no difference, I get 1 decimal in some text boxes and no decimals in others. the decimals are not rounded off either, they can be .3 or .9. does anyone know why and how to deal with this problem?regards LP wrote:>format and decimals in a text box do not seem to work as expected.>I can set format to general number or leave it blank and decimals to 0 or 1, >makes no difference, I get 1 decimal in some text boxes and no decimals...
Degrees Minutes Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degrees.
Hi All, I have got a worksheet with cells like: E174 36.992 I need to get that into decimal degrees like E174.61653 Is there a way to do this with a forumla? I start with find, left, right functions, but I ended up parenthesis hell. Cheers -Al 'Al' <bigal.nz@gmail.com> wrote: > I have got a worksheet with cells like: > E174 36.992 > I need to get that into decimal degrees like > E174.61653 One way: =LEFT(A1,FIND(' ',A1)-1) & TEXT(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(' ',A1))/60,'.00000') ----- original messa...
number of quantity decimals
Hello:Other than perhaps rounding issues, are there any problems with having quantity decimals for some items in inventory being 5, some being 4, and some being 3?childofthe1980s If it works for your parts and pricing, it works for GP. I frequently have some parts with 5 decimals and others with 2-- Richard L. WhaleyAuthor / Consultant / MVP 2006-2008Documentation for Software UsersGet our Free Tips and Tricks Newsletter and check out our books at http://www.AccoladePublications.com'childofthe1980s' wrote:> Hello:> > Other than perhaps rounding issue...
text alignment
How can I align text to the bottom of cells in Excel 2007. The bottom text alignment button places text only in the center. Make the Cell higher and then look at Center vs. Bottom. BillCT1984 wrote: > How can I align text to the bottom of cells in Excel 2007. The bottom text > alignment button places text only in the center. ...
Hi , I have a pedantic client who when he exports the report to excel does not want to see two decimal places . I have set it to N0 and P0 , but alas no luck , any suggestions ? Regards Malcolm ...
Preserve decimal 0 in function bar
Hi, my problem is to show decimal in bar function when decimal is 0If i write '=3,00+2,70' excel write '=3+2,7'.How can i say excel to don't truncate 0?A workaround is to write function like this:='3,00'+'2,70'....but i don't like it. There is another solutions?Thanks!!!! If you mean you want to change what you see in the cell, you do that withformatting. Set the number of decimal places to 2. If you mean you want tochange what is displayed in the formula bar, I don't think that is possible.On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 14:56:49 GMT, ...
Decimal alignment
Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) How do I align decimals in a word document? I know it has something to do with setting tabs, but I can't seem to get it right when I tried to figure it out myself! Thanks so much. Why are you trying to 'figure it out' for yourself?... That's what Help is for :-) See the topic: Set tab stops Regards |:>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 2/7/10 6:37 PM, in article 59bb26da.-1@webcrossing.JaKIaxP2ac0, 'brielle78@officeformac.com' <brielle78@officeformac.com> wrote: > Version: ...
Hi. How do you enter 400. into Excel? The important part is to leavthe decimal place after the second zero. I've done everythinimaginable but the decimal always get erased after I hit enter. Thanyou--oshirot-----------------------------------------------------------------------oshiroty's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=1473View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=26352 Format the cell for TEXT before typing the 400. or type a leadingapostrophe, like '400.The apostrophe will not show up in the cell...
Two digit number with one decimal, or three digit number
I would like to have one decimal point in a number, unless the number is 100 in order to fit the columns in a table. So, three digits for whatever number I type in, and if it is two digits, to have a decimal. 95.6 45.2 80.0 100 - NOT 100.0 123 - NOT 123.0 Thanks! Custom Format: [<100]0.0;0 'Cass1930' wrote: > I would like to have one decimal point in a number, unless the number is 100 > in order to fit the columns in a table. So, three digits for whatever number > I type in, and if it is two digits, to have a decimal. > > 95.6 &g...
Aligning columns in excel
I'm trying to create a graph in excel.There are three columns in excel.First one is the case label.Second and third are values for separate trials.The graph style i'm using is the column graph.Whenever I try to create this graph, there is always a little bit ospace between the first column and the Y axis. How do I get rid of thspace?I tried setting 'Gap Width' in the Options tab of 'format data series'butits butting them all up together, not really the effect I'm lookinfor.Vinc--vhg11---------------------------------------------------------...

Decimal Align In Word Table

Right align decimals in word for mac shortcut

Right Align Decimals In Word For Macs


Align Decimals Word

Hi dmacg,
Welcome to the Pages forum.
Pages does allow you to align numbers on the decimal. Here's an easy way to do it:
1. Select the cells of the table you want to format, so that they have a yellow border (hold down either the shift or option key to select multiple cells).
2. Open the Inspector (View > Show Inspector; or just click on the Inspector button on the tool bar)
3. Click on the Big T in the Inspector then choose 'Tabs'.
4. On the bottom lefthand corner of the Inspector pane, you will see a Plus and Minus sign. Click on the Plus sign to add a new Tab. Choose 'Decimal' for Alignment
5. Specify the distance in from the edge of the cell for the tab (either in the box in the Inspector or via the tab button on the document ruler), and you're done.
6. Now to tab the figures in in cells, place the cursor before the number and press the option+tab keys (Pressing just tab takes you to the next cell). All figures you tab across will now line up on the decimal, regardless of whther they are positive or negative, or how many decimal places you have.
As always, play around a bit with the feature to get an idea of what it can do for you.
Hope this is helpful.

Dec 19, 2006 5:08 AM

Right Align Decimals In Word For Mac X

  • Click on this until you see the option that looks like an upside down T with a dot on the right. That's the decimal tab, and that will align numbers at the decimal point within the table. (There's another upside down T without a dot but that's the center tab stop.).
  • Click on the Plus sign to add a new Tab. Choose 'Decimal' for Alignment 5. Specify the distance in from the edge of the cell for the tab (either in the box in the Inspector or via the tab button on the document ruler), and you're done.
  • In the Table of Contents window, select right-align tab in the 'Between entry and Number' dropdown.