One Hour One Life Mods


You only live an hour, but time and space in this game is infinite. You can only do so much in one lifetime, but the tech tree in this game will take hundreds of generations to fully explore. This game is also about family trees. Having a mother who takes care of you as a baby, and hopefully taking care of a baby yourself later in life.

First of all i want to say, jason if you dont like this, feel free to delete this thread, i will not reopen it. Am i stepping over a line by doing this? What are the rules?

  • Oct 22, 2018 So, I made this mod. It is not an official part of the game, but it can be used by end-users to remove nudity details from the game, by simply making them 100% transparent and thus invisible. After all, as an open source game, people are free to mod the game however they see fit. Please think carefully before using this mod.
  • The zoom-out mod was maintained for a long time, not sure it is any more. Jason has said he doesn't really like it, but that is the nature of the game and code he's produced. The only official mod that I'm aware of is a reluctantly-made nudity-removal mod Jason made for those who need it for Youtube or other censorship issues.


I make this because i think its more fun to play the game zoomed out and i want to show people how it can be done. It makes it easier to orientate yourself, easier to find food, less likley to run into wild animals, easier to spot killers/griefers from further away and so on..

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I will not upload this to github and i will not upload any executables. But i will explain how you can change the source code in order to zoom out.
In order to find the correct line number, copy the code that i did not change and search (ctrl+f) for it inside the correct file.

One Hour One Life Mods

First download the source code and make sure you can compile it. (more about this at the bottom)

Now to the coding, change 2 variables in /OneLife/gameSource/game.cpp

The zoom factor i am using is 1.5x, so i multiplied 1280*1.5 to get 1920 and 720*1.5 to get 1080.
I put the old values in comments.
If you now compile it and start it, it will look like this:
Already zoomed out! But the borders are messed up and the health panel is not in the right position.

So lets fix the borders first, therefore we need to change several variables inside /OneLife/gameSource/LivingLifePage.cpp
I must admit, i changed them randomly, not sure what the correct values are but this works fine for me.

The first four numbers i changed to 10, then i added 3 to the next four numbers

I put the original values in comments again.
After this change the borders will look nice, and you will be able to see more trees and other objects on the borders. But the panels are still messed up.

So lets fix the panels, this part is a bit messy.
All changes will happen in /OneLife/gameSource/LivingLifePage.cpp
First lets define 2 new constants, you can put them in the first line of the file or next to the other defines.

The reason why 320 and 180 is because (1920-1280)/2 = 320 and (1080-720)/2 = 180
This has to do with the first change we made.
Now we need to change 14 lines:

One Hour One Life Game Free Download


One Hour One Life Mods List

My strategy for the last 6 variables was to just subtract MOVE_PANEL_Y whenever i see a number thats between 310 and 340.

And thats it! Compile, run and enjoy.

How to compile:
Joriom's tutorial:
I think its best to use Ubuntu to compile it. If you dont have Ubuntu you can set up a vm or install a dual boot. (google it)
Here is a nice tutorial from jason:
First create a new folder called whatever.
Then create a new file call it pullAndBuildLatest.
Open the file and copy paste this script into it: … uildLatest
Save it. Close it. Right Click it. Properties -> Permission -> Check 'Allow executing file as program'
Now rightclick 'nothing' inside the folder you created and click on 'Open in terminal'.
Copy (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+SHIFT+v) this:
sudo apt-get install git g++ imagemagick xclip libsdl1.2-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
inside the terminal that opened. This will install libraries.
Than write ./pullAndBuildLatest to execute the script you saved.
This will download the latest version from github and then compile it.
If you then make changes to the code you can run the ./runToBuild script in the terminal to compile it. (/runToBuild 1 for ubuntu)

Bonus: (thanks to sliderule) … .cpp#L1587
Replace the string 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-,'?! ' with:

This allows you to write numbers and some symbols.
But not all symbols work, some of them doesnt show up when you write them but are visible after you pressed enter and some symbols might also get you killed.
For example if you write # you will get a connection lost error, which might be usefull if you want to quickly commit suicide without restarting the game.

One life mods download

Ohol Zoom Out Mod Download

Last edited by Drakulon (2018-05-02 19:08:33)