Mac Osx Yosemite .iso For Hackintosh

Hackintosh Yosemite Installer can be used to install OS X Yosemite On PC without the need of a Mac. For detail Installation Guide and Instruction read: Install Hackintosh Yosemite on PC/Laptop. This Installer supports AMD Processor Pcs Intel Processor including Haswell LGA 2011 X99 Hackintosh Installation HP Processors with Insyde Bios.

Install OS X Mountain Lion On Any Computer Including AMD CPUs. For detail Installation Guide and Instruction read: Install Hackintosh Mountain Lion on PC/Laptop. Hackintosh Mountain Lion supports AMD and Intel Atom Hackintosh Mountain Lion is distributed as an ISO file Hackintosh Mountain Lion works with regular DVDs There are two versions. Hello guys in this video i'll show you. How can we install mac osx on our laptop/pc?Mac osx

  1. In this topic, we share the download links of all MacOS X versions from 10.4 to 10.15: Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, Snow Leopard, Leopard and Tiger - all original and downloaded from Apple Store. All the following shared MacOS files had been originally downloaded from Apple Store. Both related.ISO and.DMG images.
  2. Dec 20, 2018 OS X Yosemite ISO. Apple Inc is developing Mac OS for the Mac device community to give a stunning experience to the user. At the moment, Mac OS Mojave is the latest operating system has been released to the public for further customization. In this article, OS X Yosemite ISO will help you to.
1.9 GB

What's New:

  • Improves compatibility with certain email servers when using Mail
  • Fixes an issue in Photos that prevented importing videos from GoPro cameras
  • Fixes an issue in QuickTime Player that prevented playback of Windows Media files

With Photos you can:

  • Browse your photos by time and location in Moments, Collections, and Years views
  • Navigate your library using convenient Photos, Shared, Albums, and Projects tabs
  • Store all of your photos and videos in iCloud Photo Library in their original format and in full resolution
  • Access your photos and videos stored in iCloud Photo Library from your Mac, iPhone, iPad, or with any web browser
  • Perfect your photos with powerful and easy-to-use editing tools that optimize with a single click or slider, or allow precise adjustments with detailed controls
  • Create professional-quality photo books with simplified bookmaking tools, new Apple-designed themes, and new square book formats
  • Purchase prints in new square and panoramic sizes

It’s easy to upgrade your iPhoto library to Photos - just launch the app to get started. To learn more about Photos, please visit:

This update also includes the following improvements:

  • Adds over 300 new Emoji characters
  • Adds Spotlight suggestions to Look up
  • Prevents Safari from saving website favicon URLs used in Private Browsing
  • Improves stability and security in Safari
  • Improves WiFi performance and connectivity in various usage scenarios
  • Improves compatibility with captive Wi-Fi network environments
  • Fixes an issue that may cause Bluetooth devices to disconnect
  • Improves screen sharing reliability

Redesigned interface. Completely new. Completely Mac.

With OS X Yosemite, we set out to elevate the experience of using a Mac. To do that, we looked at the entire system and refined it app by app. Feature by feature. Pixel by pixel. And we built great new capabilities into the interface that put need-to-know information at your fingertips. The result is that your Mac has a fresh new look, with all the power and simplicity you know and love.

Mac and iOS are connected like never before.

Use a Mac or an iOS device, and you can do incredible things. Use them together, and you can do so much more. Because now OS X and iOS 8 enable brilliant new features that feel magical and yet make perfect sense. Make and receive phone calls without picking up your iPhone. Start an email, edit a document, or surf the web on one device and pick up where you left off on another. Even activate your iPhone hotspot without ever taking your iPhone from your pocket or bag.

Do everyday things in extraordinary ways.

One of the best things about a Mac is that it comes loaded with state-of-the-art, beautifully designed apps you’ll love to use every day. In OS X Yosemite, those apps give you new ways to do some of the things you do most. The apps you use to surf the web, read your mail, send messages, and organize your files and content have a simpler, more elegant look, and we’ve enhanced them with powerful new features.

Popular apps in Operating Systems

Ever wanted to run Mac OS X in a virtual machine for developing or educational purposes? It’s actually quite easy to do.

This post is outdated! Please take a look at my revised post

One of the main reason for me to use ESXi instead of other hypervisors such as Hyper-V is the broad amount of different operating systems it supports. Not only is it able to run Windows and Linux, but I’ve been running Mac OS X and even Android for quite some time with great result. In this tutorial I’ll cover how to install Mac OS X on ESXi 5.5 or 6.0.


You will need a server running ESXi 5.5 or 6.0 (obviously). I haven’t made a guide on installing it yet, but I might do that as well in the upcoming days. Meanwhile there are a lot of guides all over the web and the installation itself is actually much simpler then most. You will also need a real mac in order to download and convert the Yosemite installation disk.

Prepare ESXi for running Apple OS X operating systems

ESXi doesn’t support OS X out of the box. The first thing you will have to do is to download a unlocker tool from If you have ESXi 5.5 this tool is for you, or if you are running 6.0 as I am, download this version instead. Please note that you will need to register on the site in order to download these files. In order to install the unlocker tool follow these instructions:

  1. You need to enable SSH on your ESXi host. In order to do that, login to your host using the VMware vShpere Client and navigate to Configuration->Security Profile. From here click on Properties in the upper right corner where it says Services. The dialog Services Properties should appear and from here you can click on SSH->Options and choose Start and stop with host. Click Start and then close all the open dialogs.
  2. Depending on your operating system, you will need to download WinSCP or another SCP-client in order to transfer the unlocker-files. Make sure you extract the files somewhere on your client and connect to your ESXi host using the IP-address and the user root. Once connected navigate to /vmfs/volumes/datastore01/ , replacing datastore01 with your actual datastore name. Create a new folder called tools and transfer your unlockerXXX directory.
  3. Now cd into the uploaded directory and ensure the ESXi scripts have execute permissions by running chmod +x and chmod +x Now run
  4. Reboot your ESXi host

1. Any changes you have made to will be lost. If you have made changes to
that file, you will need to merge them into the supplied file.
2. The unlocker runs at boot time to patch the relevant files and it now survives
an upgrade or patch to ESXi as is part of the persisted local state.

Enable SSH on EXSiUpload unlocker files to ESXi

Download and create the Yosemite ISO

Now that ESXi is ready, we need to create the Yosemite ISO. For this step I use a real MacBook because I want to grab the latest and greatest Yosemite.dmg from the Appstore. From your Mac, open the Appstore and download Yosemite. Once downloaded minimize the installer.

Open the terminal and change directory to /tmp:

Mac Os X 10.10

Create a new file for our script:

Paste the following into the file and save:

Now ensure that the scripts has execute permissions by running chmod +x and run with sh ./ This will take some time, so just be patient. Once done it should have created a file called Yosemite.iso on your desktop.

Create a virtual Mac OS X VM

The next step should be fairly simple if you have used ESXi before. As usual open your datastore and transfer the iso to wherever you normally store your installation files. Then create a new vm, select Typical and you should be able to select Other and then Apple Mac OS X 10.10 (64-bit). Complete the wizard, mount the ISO and install Mac OS X as usual. Please note that you must format the hard drive using the disk utility before it will be visible in the install wizard.

Configure Mac OS X

It’s very important to install the VMware Tools as soon as possible after the install has finished. Without it Mac OS X might not awake from sleep and in general be very unreliable. I also recommend to turn off sleep and the screensaver in settings as these may cause issues. Especially the screen saver takes up quite a lot of resources.

Known issues

The only known issue so far is that the virtual machine is stuck with a low resolution of 1024 x 768 unless you add a GPU to your server and use pass-through mode. I haven’t tested it, but it should work according to other users. If anyone figures out another workaround for this issue, please share it!

There’s now a way to overcome the resolution limitation using this workaround.

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Mac Os X Yosemite Hackintosh Iso

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Mac Osx Yosemite .iso For HackintoshBenjamin KrauseGeneral

Os X Yosemite Iso Download

ESXi, OS X, Software, Tutorial

Mac Os X Yosemite .iso For Hackintosh Free

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