Wow How To Copy Addons To Ptr

  • Jun 13, 2020 Copy in progress for the last 3 hours. PTR character copy is broken. WoW Classic General Discussion. Blizzard don’t support anything on the PTR.
  • I use ElvUI and some other addons, and would at least like elvui at the very least if possible. Some streamers I have watched seemI have googled around and saw 'just copy your WTF and Interface folders to the PTR folder'. When I enter the game however, everything just goes haywire until I disable all addons.

AddOns that are ready for testing on the PTR. From your PTR installation and previous manual addon installations (or just finding your screenshots) you should know where these are already. Running a search also finds them easily enough. The folder for live servers is called World of Warcraft and the folder for test servers is called World of Warcraft Public Test. Copy Your Addons.

yes yes,
the creator of this UI already used reflux.
so i just looked up the command of reflux on google and was able to create the exact UI for my alt.
/reflux snapshot Taink
Taink is my alt.. so now i copied the exact UI currently on my screen into a profile now named Taink..
So i just logged in to my alt.
/reflux switch Taink
and there you go, the exact same UI as my main.. but now on my alt
only thing left is to tweak it.
not saying ALL addons setting got copied but those are minor fixes(for me).
the most important thing was the placement of my unit frames and the LUI frames.
I think the creator has a larger screen, because on my screen everything was really tiny.
so if u enlarge u accidently bump into other area's like your action bars etc..
so then you have to drag a bit and play alot to have the final settings just right.
but i would not have known of Reflux, if you did not tell me.
so Thanks again
now my next concern is the blizzard action bars that popup in dungeons..
for like the stormstout brewery, a counter is shown 0/40 for slain monkeys.
or last boss of shadowpan monastery a rage bar is shown.
and they are right behind my actionbar
tried MoveAnything, but it seems the creator removed the Move part.. you have to click like 1000 times on a little pad with arrows.
maybe you know a answer to this question also ???

My guild is transferring from Azgalor-US to Mal’Ganis-US, so I figured this would be a good time to work on a project for copying my macro and addon settings between server profiles. You’ll need to know your new server and character names up front.

Your account information is stored in:

C:Program Files (x86)World of WarcraftWTFAccount

Pick the folder for the account that contains the character you’d like to transfer. I have a total of 30 account folders in my current WoW install, which means I’ve logged into 30 accounts from my PC!

1 - Make a Backup

First, make a backup of the folder. Make a copy on your desktop or in your My Documents folder to ensure we can revert back if necessary.


2 - Prepare the Character Folder

Now, open up your account folder. You should see some server names listed as well as some other things:

There are a few different sections here. Basically, all of the files at this level are safe, as none of them are specific to your server or characters. What we’re concerned with are is the SavedVariables and Realm/Characterfolders. The files in these specific server folders and the generic SavedVariables folder all contain references to your old character name and your old realm name. We need to go through and re-do all of that in order to have everything carry over smoothly. We’re going to do the character folder first.

Navigate down to the character folder that you’ll be transferring. This puts me in folder:

How to copy keybinds wow

C:Program Files (x86)WoWWTFAccount~~AzgalorCure

We’re going to use PowerShell for this next bit, so hopefully you’re using Windows!

Here’s the command:

gci -recurse | ? {$_.Attributes -ne “Directory”} | % {(gc $_.FullName) -replace “OLDNAME”,”NEWNAME” | sc -path $_.FullName }

Basically, this command is going to go through and rename every instance of “OLDNAME” with “NEWNAME”. We’ll need to run this once or twice. If you have the same toon name on the destination server, then you just need to change your old realm name to your new realm name and everything is peachy. If you are changing your name too, you’ll need to run it again to edit the name. Here’s what I ran exactly:

C:Program Files (x86)WoWWTFAccount~~AzgalorCure> gci -recurse | ? {$_.Attributes -ne “Directory”} | % {(gc $_FullName) -replace “Cure”,“Radsushi” | sc -path $_.FullName }

C:Program Files (x86)WoWWTFAccount~~AzgalorCure> gci -recurse | ? {$_.Attributes -ne “Directory”} | % {(gc $_.FullName) -replace “Azgalor”,“Mal’Ganis” | sc -path $_.FullName }

So only two commands here. Each one will take a bit to run, but that’s fine. Once you’re done, we have PREPARED THE CHARACTER FOLDER!

3 - Prepare the SavedVariables Folder


Navigate to your account’s global SavedVariables folder. This puts me in folder:

C:Program Files (x86)WoWWTFAccount~~SavedVariables

Here’s the command:

Wow Classic Keybinding

gci -recurse | ? {$_.Attributes -ne “Directory”} | % {(gc $_.FullName) -replace “OLDCHAR - OLDREALM”,”NEWCHAR - NEWREALM” | sc -path $_.FullName }


This time, we’re trying to find something like “Cure - Azgalor” and we want to replace it with “Radsushi - Mal’Ganis”. This won’t fix ALL of your addons, but it should fix most of them. The reason that we don’t run the other commands for this folder is that we don’t want to overwrite the values for your other characters that might be staying behind on the old server.

4 - Copy the New Folder

Wow How To Copy Addons To Ptr Free

Now we need to copy the character folder to your new realm. If you don’t already have a folder for your new realm, create one. Then, copy your old character folder from your old realm (like AzgalorCure) to your new realm (Mal’GanisRadsushi):

Addons For Wow Ptr

Now you’re done! Kick back and fix the few addons that might’ve screwed up (Postal is one of the few that doesn’t like this process much).