Darci Hemsley Brown Coaching Program

What is Performance Coaching?

  1. Darci Hemsley Brown Coaching Program Reviews
  2. Aaron Hemsley & Associates

Coaching Program Managers, trained in Behavioral Coaching methods and techniques, fulfill many roles. Typically, they are involved in coaching programs from their inception. As internal coaches, they often introduce coaching into the organization and oversee and manage its delivery. Program Anglia Ruskin University. Ministry Leadership Leadership Quote Leadership Skills Visionary Education Empoderar Coaching Purpose Coaching Coaching Business Social Business Biz Ideas. 10 Worst Sales Mistakes Advisors Make Darci Hemsley Brown. Once completing the “Psychology of Maximum Sales Performance” program.

Aaron Hemsley & Associates offers three 10-week one-on-one performance coaching sessions each year comprised of weekly 60 minute coaching sessions. Hemsley coaches are not untrained “motivational speakers,” but rather have a unique combination of advanced degrees in psychology, have experience teaching at the University level, have worked as professional counselors/therapists as well as financial industry knowledge. The Hemsley coach has the educational and professional tools to assess what, if any, (1) sales related fears (fears of success, failure, rejection, looking foolish, losing clients’ money, control, etc.), (2) self-sabotaging/work avoidance behaviors (engaging in low priority tasks/non-productive work, internet surfing, excessive reading of industry publications, chatting with colleagues, etc.), and (3) distorted/negative thinking patterns, which sabotage your performance, your energy level, your mood and productivity. However, assessment is nothing without aggressive, constructive work and curricula for dismantling and elimination of such destructive fears, behaviors and thinking patterns, and building in the stead thereof the environmental systems and internal, emotional strength to consistently perform at one’s peak. THAT is the Hemsley Sales Performance Coaching program.

Why Performance Coaching?


Most Hemsley coaching candidates are healthy, fully functioning, high achieving personality types who want or need extraneous help to take their performance to the next level and beyond. Coaching ensures the most effective implementation and use of Dr. Hemsley’s seminal work: The Psychology of Maximum Sales Performance. Program coaches keep candidates on track and accountable, provide valuable weekly feedback and a “safe” outside professional with whom an open and honest dialogue and relationship can develop. This is essential in uncovering and overcoming some of the candidate’s more perplexing, obstructive behaviors. Your performance coach will challenge you with daily, measured risk taking and work with you through any irrational fears in follow up sessions. In the end, results are what matters, and Hemsley’s hundreds of past coaching clients are a testimonial of such results.

What Preparation Is Expected of Me Before Coaching?

Dr. Hemsley’s The Psychology of Maximum Sales Performance is the principal modality used by coach and candidate during the ten week session. The program is presented in eight hours of live CD recordings and a 90 page workbook. Each coaching candidate is required to listen to the CD presentation at least once through prior to commencing the coaching program. This is essentially so the candidate will be knowledgeable and conversant in the theories and practices utilized during the coaching. (The CD set and Workbook are $400 + $15 S&H [international S&H rates vary.]) The workbook contains stress assessments and behavioral “quizzes” which your coach will need prior to your coaching. You should also expect a request for a detailed bio (required) including your past 5 years of gross production.

What Is Expected of Me During Coaching?

Candidates utilize The Maximum Performance Daily Record System (the “DRS”) which contains daily/weekly “homework” assignments. (The DRS is $150 + $15 S&H [international S&H rates vary.]) The DRS includes a Daily Performance Journal, a critical program element, which must be provided weekly to your coach before each coaching session. Your coach will explain how to use this journal effectively so that it will be an effective therapeutic tool which will promote change quickly. You will also be using a daily agenda and a 100 point system, which you will send to your coach the day before your coaching session each week. These tools use Behavior Modification techniques, Cognitive therapeutic techniques as well as Performance Psychology.

What Is the Cost of the Performance Coaching Program and Is It Worth It?

Darci Hemsley Brown Coaching Program Reviews

The 10 week coaching program is $4,000 USD (this price is effective at least through December 2013). There is a $500 non-refundable deposit required to hold a spot for a future coaching session. Total cost of this program including the deposit is $4,500. Whether the capital outlay is worth it or not requires a multi-response. First, it is only worth what any advisor puts into it. Second, being somewhat biased, the Hemsley family of coaches believe it has limitless value. We have seen some advisors double and triple their productivity within a year. Some advisors have increased their gross production by more than 10 times within three years of beginning the coaching process. Greater financial income, which is typically the primary objective of any coaching candidate at the outset, we have found, is not always the most appreciated reward of the diligent coaching candidate. Indeed, the personal and emotional skill set that is developed generally has tremendous impact on other challenging areas of the candidates’ lives. We’d like to think that our well-coached advisors are simply much happier and more fulfilled. Moreover, we have many advisors who have signed up time and again over the years because they have found it pays for itself by an appreciable multiplier. Other advisors have insisted on and negotiated ongoing, monthly “accountability” coaching contracts which now have extended for years. Worth it? All indications to us seem to point to a resounding “yes.” We hope it will be for you.

I Have More Questions, What Should I Do?

Darci Hemsley Brown Coaching Program

Aaron Hemsley & Associates

If you believe individualized coaching is an investment you might want to make, please feel free to contact Aaron Hemsley Associates at ahinfo@aaronhemsley.com or call to (702)614-8358.